Park(ing) Day with Van Alen Institute, Sept. 21

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On September 21 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Beyond Zuccotti Park collaborated with Van Alen Institute for Park(ing) Day. It offered a salon-style teach-in, stories, records, and books in an intimate outdoor pop-up parklet in front of Van Alen Books at 30 West 22nd Street with Van Alen Institute and Occupy Town Square!

The parklet was oodles of fun and featured an information and book exchange, an intimate outdoor environment, and a bit of vinyl record playing. If you missed Park(ing) Day, you can still come by to browse Van Alen’s amazing book collection—including, of course, Beyond Zuccotti Park.

Join us for website discussion and share your favorite stories about public spaces—any theme and any format! Perhaps you like to tell us about your Park(ing) Day, discuss the importance of flexible public spaces, post a poem, or share links to some of your own work.